
λKVLT (read as lambda cult), or alternatively Malignant Monad Mafia (M³), is a tight-knit international community of programmers and the like.

kvlt.club also provides neocities-like hosting for members, a list is available on the members page.

Please note that we are only a cult and a mafia in name and not in function.


Every member can be contacted using their kvlt.club email address: <username>@kvlt.club. For example, ~idf’s address would be idf [at] kvlt.club.

If you need anything taken down, shoot an email to dmca [at] kvlt.club. For any other web related issues, send an email to webmaster [at] kvlt.club.


A tight-knit community of tinkerers

created: 2022-12-17
modified: 2023-05-04